Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to create a blog on blogspot

One of the free blog providers are quite popular today is the blogspot or blogger, which when sign up is through site but the domain name you will get is a sub-domain of Blogger, for example:
Why should create a blog on is not on any other blog site providers? Actually there is no necessity to create a blog on blogger, but there are many advantages of bloggers in the appeal with other blog providers. Some examples of excess blogspot in another appeal that is simple in operation making it suitable for beginners, more flexibility in changing and editing your blog template so that the view will be more fresh because the result of his own creations, a custom domain or you can change the name of your blog with your own domain name eg : the change becomes, while still using blogspot hosting and still remain free.
It should be stressed from the beginning that the Internet is highly dynamic, so it may be in some future time a guide to create a blog on this blogspot will be slightly different than what you see on
To reduce the unnecessary stuff in writing, here's how to create a blogger at

Create Email
One of the requirements that must be met in a blog is that you have an email address that is still active or in use. If you do not already have an email address, please list it first on gmail because bloggers are one of Google's service when you sign in to blogger you should use a gmail email. If you do not understand how I create an email, please use google search engine to look for guidance.

Sign in Blogger Blog
1. Please visit the site
2. After the registration page is open, turn your attention to the upper right, change the language to Indonesia to be more easily understood. Please direct login using your gmail username and password (email account you can to log into blogger).

3. Click the button marked Create YOUR BLOG.

4. Fill in the name of the blog title and blog address in want. Remember! in making the blog address have to be really serious because it can not be permanently replaced again (unless later replace with a custom domain). If the desired address could not be used, re-enter another address that is still available. If desired blog address is still available, please click on the arrow labeled CONTINUE.

   5. Please select the template that you like (this template will be changed again whenever you want), then click CONTINUE.
   6. There will be writing "Your Blog It's So!". Please proceed with the click of a button started blogging.
   7. Once inside the post editor, please fill in anything (recommended to fill the posts, usually if not directly posts will be netted robot blogger's anti-spam, and your blog will be in lock). Example: hello world. Click the Preview button to see the look that would later appear on the blog, click the Publish button ENTRY if your post will be published to the public.
   8. Click "View Entries" to see your blog. Here is a sample blog that you have made.
   9. Done.
For the initial stage, your blog is already finished and can be accessed anywhere. For a deeper discussion about how blogging with blogger, will be discussed at the next post


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